Hazu and Sangane – 西尾観光
交通アクセス 観光案内所 お問合わせ
  • Nishio Sightseeing
  • Nishio Stay
  • Nishio Gourmet
  • Nishio Experience
  • Nishio special tour
  • Nishio Festivals
  • Nishio Matcha
  • Nishio Unagi (Eel)
  • Nishio Brewing
  • Nishio Access

Hazu and Sangane

Hazu and Sangane

~ What´s about ~

The Hazu region is blessed with the natural beauty of Mt. Sangane and Mikawa Bay. The Sangane mountains afford magnificent views of the ocean and the passing of the four seasons. Also, don’t miss walking to Sanshiro Island on a thin strip of dry land exposed only at low tide. Blessed with seafood, the local asari clams are an especially popular springtime treat. There are delicious asari restaurants as well as many fashionable cafes along the coast.

Hazu and Sangane
Mt. Sangane
Hazu and Sangane
Aichi Kodomonokuni
Hazu and Sangane
Clam Digging

Hazu & Sangane Hotels & Ryokan

Mikawa Bay Hills Hotel

Mikawa Bay Hills Hotel

Facility details

hotel reservation


Hotel name / Ryokan nameAddressTelRemarks
Mikawa Bay Hills HotelNishio Higashihazu-cho Iriayama 1-2870563-62-4111Facility details hotel reservation
Mikawa Onsen KaiyuteiNishio Terabe-cho Kagai 186-20563-62-6666Facility details hotel reservation
SuzukikanNishio Higashihazu-cho Omi Gyoda 230563-62-2093Facility details hotel reservation
OkadayaNishio Higashihazu-cho Mori 760563-62-2887